Il combo metalcore dei Braska con il nuovo videoclip Puppet

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La Infinity Heavy annuncia le novità sui Braska, un progetto veneto nato nell’estate del 2018 dall’idea di Andrea Battistello e Davide Bettarello. La band dal sound principalmente Metalcore/Djent, si sta preparando a rilasciare a distanza di un anno dall’uscita del loro primo pezzo, il secondo singolo intitolato Puppet per il 14 Dicembre 2019.

Braska was born in the Summer of 2018, from Andrea Battistello and Davide Bettarello, both former guitarist in bands of similar metal/djent genres in the Venetian area (around Padue). It comes to life from a need for unifying contemporary metal sounds, such as tech-metalcore/djent, with richness of ambient with reference to clean, that aren’t compromising the heavy sound, on the contrary, they want to make it catchier and more aimed to the consumer. The cornerstone is, in fact, to create a sort of “pop culture” around the outcome, still defyining a clear limit, detected from the complex guitar riffs and well-set drum lines. The voice is the convergent alternation of the classic growl/yell/scream with a very pop clean, thanks to the two singers in the house, Marco Puggina and Roberto Renoffio. The band also welcomes the drummer Samuele Zecchin, another former artist from previous bands, preachers to the same choir.

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