Russia esclusa dall’Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in programma a Torino

Tempo di Lettura: 2 minuti

Il motivo è l’invasione dell’Ucraina! Per l’Italia in gara avremo Mahmood e Blanco (per aver vinto il Festival di Sanremo), ma anche Achille Lauro (rappresentando San Marino) ed Emma Muscat, appena qualificatasi alle selezioni a Malta. Lungi da noi usare questo spazio per fare politica, riportiamo la notizia solo perché di forte valenza musicale ed artistica. Quello che segue è il comunicato ufficiale emesso da European Broadcasting Union (EBU) e presente sul loro sito ufficiale.

The EBU has announced that no Russian act will participate in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. The Executive Board of the EBU made the decision following a recommendation earlier today by the Eurovision Song Contest’s governing body, the Reference Group, based on the rules of the event and the values of the EBU. The Reference Group recommendation was also supported by the EBU’s Television Committee. The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Contest would bring the competition into disrepute. Before making this decision the EBU took time to consult widely among its membership. The EBU is an apolitical member organization of broadcasters committed to upholding the values of public service.We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage.
We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage.

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